Sunday, March 25, 2018

Someone Please Help Me Understand......???

I simply cannot understand the current uproar over guns...types of guns....age of gun owners and Government interference/regulation of gun ownership.

WHY?....Do folks feel that gun control of any sort will change such things as the infrequent school shootings? YES, they are infrequent....& getting to be less frequent.

The comparisons to cars/knives/type-of-gun, etc. are mostly is the statement oft echoed by the gun rights supporters (I am one, and an NRA member for years) "Guns don't kill people; people kill people!"

While there are massive differences in these types of death and/or violence, all can be traced to intent and to such things as societal norms today. It matters not whether a crazed gunman invading a school  or a distracted driver texting while driving cause the death. They remain the same. Someone dies. There are, of course, MANY more deaths caused by distracted driving than by guns.

As for the oft-used derogatory comments and shaming of the NRA and its members....remember one thing.....The 2nd Amendment is their basic premise for the "leave-my-guns-alone group (again, in fairness, I am one!)  The NRA espouses nothing more than keeping Govt. OUT OF our given constitutional rights!

Government interference almost without exception results in our giving up rights. Using misstated information promulgated by liberals who LOVE big government provide this to a public quick to demand a cure for societal problems....almost always by issuing MORE LAWS!

Most of the mass-shootings (hate that term) result from signs missed by a government, national or state, which could have predicted the event or something similar.

It is time for people to insist that we first ENFORCE the laws and follow the supposed guidelines for operation of our multitude of policing, and societal support. That would have been way more effective in the Parkland shooting than any of the proposed laws being forwarded by a little-informed, and misled public.

As an addendum, I hate literally the anti-gun crowd playing our youth with partial-facts and instant-solution rhetoric....all of which translates into more govt. control.

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