Thursday, July 11, 2019

A Trip Down Ancestry Lane.....

My family tree, long a bit understood due a book published in the year of my birth, 1943, is much expanded because of Ancestry, the program. The truths therein contained, and about which I shall write a lot more in a different post, reveal some interesting facts about DeLand males....

We are, as a rule, long-lived critters.

Going back seven generations from me they average 82.5 years of age...and this includes my Dad who was only 58 when he passed. His life was shortened, almost assuredly, by participation in WWII.
My great-grand George lived to 102, and my name sake Paul, from the 1600-1700 crossover, lived to 97.

Guess I better buckle up for a much-longer ride than anticipated.....

I'll post more on this soon as I find myself fascinated by the facts in Ancestry!

Duke (Paul K., II)

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Spending Billions under Liberal Plans or Making It Simple!

 The multi-million(or billion)aires fly extravagantly, and frequently, to meet and chastise us as to our use of the atmosphere, lands, and everything else they so loudly proclaim as destructive and perhaps world-ending!
Trees are gold...  the answering cry. Why not cease flying your multi-million dollar jets to far-flung places and instead donate the cost of your fuel to help plant trees. No fanfare, no thousands gathered to celebrate one-another. Just buy small trees for everyone to plant. You might just "save the world!"

It ain't rocket science folks!
