Thursday, February 16, 2023

But I AM 80!

I like to think I am somewhat the realist. While many seem absolutely fixated on not revealing their age, I have always felt age is a sort of barometer of achievement. Perhaps in my look at life I feel much more positive about living this long as I never expected it. The last couple generations in my family have been relatively shortened lives. My Father had a heart attack at age 47 that could have easily killed him. He never recovered completely and finally passed at age 58 with his 3rd major heart attack. My brother died in his early 60s of heart and other ailments.

James Mangold, director of the new 5th film in the Indiana Jones series commented on an expanded aspect of the view from atop several generations....

"We can’t hide from where we are in our lives — none of us can — and neither can Indiana Jones," Mangold told The Hollywood Reporter. "I wanted to follow Harrison’s own lead and simply deal with it straight on."

I happen to be the same age as Harrison Ford, having my 80th birthday just 2 months ago. I now look forward to driving this somewhat banged up body as far as I am allowed...I am hopeful my outlook, while realistic, is as positive as can be....having gotten this far seems to me to be an incentive to go on.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Something missing!

 I am left with the feeling that all the "news writers" (they are not reporters nor journalists) are blind and meandering all about the topic of CCP's balloon and its purpose/equipment. 1st-We knew before the balloon entered the USA, apparently via Alaska and Canada, of its existence. We could have ended this right there, off the shores of Alaska...or, perhaps, on land in the sparsely-populated state. 

How about this idea?  Where is the map of the complete track of the balloon? You know our radar has this baby all the way. I have seen some random spots where the thing hung there in the one has yet apparently gotten a hold of the idea. That would tell you in a heartbeat whether or not the thing was directed or controlled.

You don't suppose the truly open administration could be hiding the track to protect someone?  Hmmmm

Long Time No Post.....Here we go again!

 I shall endeavor to bring this blog back to life. Health issues, a near-death post surgery internal bleed and a series of three stents in my heart's circulatory system have wrought a lot of absence from blogging. Let's go back and post as the field of topics on which to post grows ever more and full of really dumb stuff!  Onward!