The theme is always the matter what happens, nor where it happens....if it is major, and it speaks of the failure of a system, then the DEM answer is SPEND, SPEND, SPEND!!!!
These "Tax and Spend" DEMs try very hard to equate solving a problem directly with the amount spent.....well, at least UNTIL the $ are spent.
They ignore the obvious fact that previous spending has not worked!!!! The AMTRAK system has boondoggled millions and the result is, they are mnot doing what they were charged with doing. This group of bureaucrats in the tradition of govt. intervention in economics, have wasted millions on things not in their directive. They ignored the need for solving problems of speed and control by delaying implementation of a system which would have prevented the recent crash, and instead have spent millions on such items as BONUS $ to employees........
They took a project to implement safety controls on train speed, and delayed it so they could "reward" employees....mostly administrators...with HUGE bonus $ and not implement the safety system, but instead delay it until 2020.....
But do not speak out about the bonus-seeking minions of the system, or you will be tarred and feathered with a broad brush by the unions and DEM operatives running the AMTRAK system!
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