Sunday, June 2, 2013

It's The Ted Mack Amateur Hour!.....

Probably most reading this will have no idea what the title means.

It was, after all, a show on radio from the mid-part of the last century.

However, as a 70 year old, seeking to find meaning in the cacophony of sounds in the suddenly-besmirched "O" persona....including the vaunted and well-known"always-campaigning" President who seems to know nothing about being President, except, campaigning, He will campaign until the day of his departure.....His personal way of making things happen.

He will be recorded as the person responsible for the MOST HUGE deficit building time in the history of the country., He will have violated more rules of this nation in terms of everything from IRS to 1st amendment to EPA to Most every department over which he had see.....

Obama will go down as the pariah  of our time.....the worst President since Carter, if not exceeding "Jimmah".......

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