Sunday, December 22, 2024

Happy, Happy Ho Ho!

 Christmas/New Years is not always top o my mind as either enjoyable or fulfilling....Then "Ho Ho" happens.I quite excitedly don a red suit and work my way thru, this year, 150 children at my Elks Lodge. The magic is the small faces when they approach the old fellow. The faces have more brightness than a 100 watt bulb! Funny is the fact I never get tired of the faces....They launch me into Christmas spirit full bore.  I hope one and all have a Merry Christmas followed by the finest of New Years!

Friday, November 29, 2024

"Rollin Down The River"....

 Rollin Down The River.....

Surprisingly, life continues. I now find myself just two calendar pages from 82 years of age. I find myself in decent physical condition....if you ignore the several close calls I have had, and the fact my ticker and circulatory system is paying me back for abuses heaped upon them over the decades. I am afraid to check in on my liver and digestive tract.

I, along with most of the US of A, managed to survive the quadrennial assault on our entire way of life and laws we jokingly call a Presidential election. The shear size of this event, both in dollars and total commitment by at least two political parties, is astounding.

We are told every time this event occurs that this time is the LAST time we HAVE TO GET IT RIGHT or the country will blow up and cease to exist. I believe the major problem is the two major political parties!

It is my considered opinion that they, if allowed to continue unchecked, will indeed bankrupt this country in both dollars and of all standing in the community of countries on this so called big blue marble.

One party this time around spent well above ONE BILLION dollars to perpetuate their way of governing....AND LOST. Not a squeeze by finish but a complete washout. 

The biggest mystery for me is how the folks on the short end of this fiasco now find millions of reasons why their side failed....and not one of the scapegoat causes has to do with them doing or saying anything unpopular. It has to be at least the fault of a small group of folks called THE MAJORITY! Aided of course by many on their own team who did not live up to expectations.

My most pleasant memory will be the short time between the end of the rehash of this election and the quite close beginning of speculation of the who the candidates will be for the next one.

It was so much simpler and enjoyable when the entire process, at least publicly, was only a few months every four years and involved miserly amounts by today's standards. Guess I need a trip to the Blue Ridge and a cabin for a week where my phone has no signal and there are no TVs or Radios. 

How do I get to that bed and breakfast listing?