ObamaCare....The "Affordable Care Act"....(Laughs allowed here)....Is now the "Law of the Land" which can never be changed, denied or in any way questioned (Debbie Wasserman Schultz [OMG is that really her last name and she is not in a German Uniform?] of the DEM Gestapo has so ordained it) .....I could get physically sick writing this.....
The problem is there are so many problems one knows not where to begin when writing about its many failures......
I am going to set aside some serious time to see if I can make this a study of conflicting "Statements" and "Facts"......but I doubt it cause there seems to be debate about all of it....except for one common denominator........NOTHING WORKS OR IS AS "GREAT LEADER" HAS SAID!!!!!!! NOTHING!!!!!
This will be on-going for decades, but I marvel at those who still believe unabashedly in this Obama line and the lies and the fakes and the devious devices used by him to force "single-payer".....what he wanted all along and lied about having......
There is too much....I shall initiate a series of articles.....
This shall be called the per-curser!